Bug #7342
InvalidNameException thrown in LogAggregationHarvestJob
The NodeReference passed into NodeAccess.getApprovedNode was not reformated as a DN before a search for its attributes.
Changed the code such that NodeAccess.buildNodeAttributeMap takes a node reference and reformats it, instead of expecting a DN to be passed in.
Associated revisions
closes #7342
Changed the code such that NodeAccess.buildNodeAttributeMap takes a node reference and reformats it, instead of expecting a DN to be passed in.
closes #7342
Changed the code such that NodeAccess.buildNodeAttributeMap takes a node reference and reformats it, instead of expecting a DN to be passed in.
closes #7342
Changed the code such that NodeAccess.buildNodeAttributeMap takes a node reference and reformats it, instead of expecting a DN to be passed in.
closes #7342
Changed the code such that NodeAccess.buildNodeAttributeMap takes a node reference and reformats it, instead of expecting a DN to be passed in.
closes #7342
call to getApprovedNode hitting wrong class
closes #7342
call to getApprovedNode hitting wrong class
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz about 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 30 to 100
Applied in changeset d1-python:d1_python|r16289.