Bug #6955
D1Client returns MNode instances with no nodeId set
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Story Points:
I was trying to figure out why I had blank authoritativeMemberNode values in my SystemMetata and tracked it down D1Client's node building mechanism. It looks like the nodeRef used to look up and return an MNode implementation is not being set in the returned MNode. So MNode.getNodeId(() returns null. It would be great if it knew its own nodeId without making a call to (itself) with getCapabilities.
Associated revisions
fixes #6955: added code to set the NodeID of D1Nodes in NodeListNodeLocator if it's null.
fixes #6955: added code to set the NodeID of D1Nodes in NodeListNodeLocator if it's null.
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 10 years ago
- Target version changed from CCI-2.0.0 to CLJ-2.0.0
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
added code to v1 and v2 NodeListLocator classes that sets the NodeID to D1Nodes when it's available. added unit tests.