Task #6788
Bug #6786: d1_libclient_java should support Session parameters
refactor how the Multipart*Nodes get their rest client
Instead of using the property this.restClient to do the call, have the API methods use a getRestClient(session) to determine which MRC to use.
Try to make it clear that the session and restclient passed in at D1Node construction is a default.
Associated revisions
Refs #6788, #6786, #6842: Refactored MultipartD1Node (constructors and added getRestClient(Session s) method to provide a standard way for API methods to decide between Sessions passed via the method vs. in the constructor. Added new X509Session class, and restructured HttpMultipartRestClient and HttpUtils to work with new X509Session objects and allow removal of DefaultHttpMultipartRestClient.
Refs #6788, #6786, #6842: Refactored MultipartD1Node (constructors and added getRestClient(Session s) method to provide a standard way for API methods to decide between Sessions passed via the method vs. in the constructor. Added new X509Session class, and restructured HttpMultipartRestClient and HttpUtils to work with new X509Session objects and allow removal of DefaultHttpMultipartRestClient.
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf about 10 years ago
refactored the code to implement the method.
need to adjust constructors. Don't think Session should be in there anymore, at least not with MultipartRestClient.
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 10 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
should be complete, but need to review with Ben and write tests for setting session by method.
#3 Updated by Rob Nahf about 10 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
- % Done changed from 30 to 100