


Story #6538

Set DataONE up as an XSEDE Level 3 Service Provider

Added by Bruce Wilson over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


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As part of the collaboration between DataONE and XSEDE, we would like for DataONE to participate in XSEDE, as well as for XSEDE to participate in DataONE. One part of this is for DataONE to be a Service Provider to XSEDE, initially at the lowest level (level 3). See and for information about the different levels. Level 3 basically means we register services with XSEDE, but those services aren't required to be compatible with XSEDE API specifications and aren't required to use XSEDE authorization methods. As such, there isn't necessarily any direct tie to DataONE infrastructure.


Task #6483: DataONE xsede VM at ORCNewMichael Campfield


#1 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 10 years ago

Based on my initial read of the requirements and documentation, I'm starting by having a separate VM ( set up where the XSEDE registration software can be installed and tested. This may become a production VM or we may choose to move the XSEDE tools to one of the existing production VMs. This VM will use the normal DataONE credentials, with coredev having normal shell and root access.

#2 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 10 years ago

  • Milestone set to None
  • Project changed from Operations to Infrastructure

#3 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 10 years ago

  • Due date deleted (2014-10-24)
  • Target version deleted (Release Backlog)
  • Start date deleted (2014-09-27)

#4 Updated by Laura Moyers almost 10 years ago

Letter from DataONE to XSEDE 2/26/15 requesting membership to the XSEDE federation at Level 3 under the criteria of co-branding.

#5 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 9 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Status changed from New to Closed

This was completed in early 2015

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