


Feature #6498

V2 Metacat MN and CN Support

Added by Skye Roseboom over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Product Version:
Story Points:


Metacat MN support of DataONE V2 API and types.


Task #6733: Metacat MN index should keep the solr index for archived objectsRejectedBen Leinfelder

Task #6734: Implement the feature to support SID in MN and CN apisClosedJing Tao

Task #6714: SID in the SystemMetadata in the create methodClosedJing Tao

Task #6715: The sid handling in the MN.getLogRecordClosedJing Tao

Task #6741: PidFilter different behavior on MN.getLogRecord and CN.getLogRecordClosedJing Tao

Task #6832: How do we check the SID validation in the CN.create methodClosedJing Tao

Task #6856: Fix MNresourceHandler to handle v2 API MNStorage.updateSystemMetadata()ClosedJing Tao

Task #6857: Metacat needs to support CNView interfaceClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #6735: Metacat supports both v1 and v2 xml schemaClosedBen Leinfelder

Task #6858: Access control on MN.updateSystemMetadata and CN.updateSystemMetadataClosedJing Tao

Task #6859: Add the check to see if a user try to modify immutable fields by call cn and mn.updateSystemMetadataClosedJing Tao

Task #6863: Check Metacat V1 API returns v1 objectClosedJing Tao

Task #6864: CN.getSystemMetadata on the V1 API returns a V2 object. Closed

Task #7038: MN v1.getLogRecords return an errorClosedJing Tao

Task #7036: MN.updateSystemetadata calls CN.synchronize to update the system metadata on the cnClosedJing Tao

Task #7085: Add a rest service call to support cn.view.ClosedJing Tao

Task #7088: Add v2 schema into metacatClosedJing Tao

Task #7089: Need to update systemmetadata table base on the new changeClosedJing Tao

Task #7136: MN.getPackage and CN.getPackageClosedJing Tao

Task #7142: Add code to read and store new system metadata fields - media type, media type properties and file nameClosedJing Tao

Task #7257: Add v2 service to the mn node capabilityClosedJing Tao

Task #7274: Make sure the CN utilities methods which change the system metadata only be allowed to CN subjects ClosedJing Tao

Task #7275: Restrictions on MN.updateClosedJing Tao

Task #7360: Modify the MN.systeMetadataChanged MethodClosedJing Tao

Task #7355: The mn.systemMetadataChanged should return immediatelyClosedJing Tao

Task #7361: Distinguish v1.MN.systemMetadataChanged and v2.MN.systemMetadataChangedClosedJing Tao

Task #7356: The mn.updateSystemMetadata method should control the increase the serialVersion number.RejectedJing Tao

Task #7366: Make sure MN.updateSystemMetadata and CN.updateSystemMetadata will NOT increase serial version in the system metadataClosedJing Tao

Task #7367: CN.updateSystemMetadata will ignore the serial version and replica list in the coming system metadataClosedJing Tao

Task #7368: Make sure that the setting of the new dateSysteMetaModified happens on MN.systemMetadata change, not in the CN.updateSystemMetadata.ClosedJing Tao

Task #7369: Comparing the dateSysmetaModified to make sure client has the current copy of the system metadata in MN.updateSystemMetadataClosedJing Tao

Task #7380: Check the v1/v2 api methods, which alter the system metadata, how to handle the set of the modification date and the serial versionClosedJing Tao

Task #7381: reject to use the api calling an object which has a v2 authoritative memberClosedJing Tao

Task #7382: Add the code to set the modification date of the system metadata for v1.apiClosedJing Tao

Task #7395: Reject those methods on v2 API when clients apply them on an object whose authoritative node is a v2 mnClosedJing Tao

Task #7491: The performance issue on MN.getLogRecordClosedBen Leinfelder


#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 10 years ago

  • Target version set to CCI-2.0.0
  • Start date set to 2014-12-01
  • Due date set to 2014-12-01

#2 Updated by Jing Tao about 10 years ago

  • Subject changed from V2 Metacat MN Support to V2 Metacat MN and CN Support

#3 Updated by Jing Tao about 10 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jing Tao

#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 9 years ago

  • Category set to Metacat

#5 Updated by Jing Tao over 9 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 30
  • Status changed from New to In Progress

#6 Updated by Ben Leinfelder over 9 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 30 to 100

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