


MNDeployment #6359


Added by Ben Leinfelder over 10 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

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At a GBIF-sponsored workshop/meeting in Petropolis, I did a few seminars on Metacat and Morpho. There's potential interest in a MN if/when they set up a Metacat repository for their ecological data research as part of the larger biodiversity/LTER-style network they are building.
Primary contact: Luiz Gadelha
Debora Drucker (who we know from PPBIO/PELD) is also aware of this initiative and supports the idea of a centralized repository hosted at LNCC (national scientific computing lab).

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#1 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago

#2 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to Laura Moyers
  • Priority changed from Normal to Low

No contact to date about this entity specifically. We did have a visit at UT September 2015 by Andrea Nunes who is a director of SISBR and is at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. One of our Brazilian friends provided this information to see how people and repos fit together:

Andrea Ferreira Portela Nunes is on the Advisory attracting international resources by the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation. Currently works in capturing international resources for the area of environment. Has extensive experience in the implementation of public policies on the environment and biodiversity and the monitoring and evaluation of policies and programs in S & T and environment. It holds a BA in Zoology with an emphasis on Ecology of Landscapes, Communities Ecology and population ecology. She is she is our boss and is a Project Director of SISBR. she also works on the advisory board of PPBio and CENBAM.

To learn more about the SISBR:

In 2011, the Brazilian Government, through the Department of Policies and Programs of Research and Development - SEPED the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation - MCTI, with technical support from the United Nations Environment Programme - UNEP and financial support Global Fund for the Environment - GEF, started the implementation of the project "Management and use of information to expand Brazil's capacity to conserve and use biodiversity," from which was created the Information System of the Brazilian Biodiversity - SiBBr.

The SiBBr is an online platform developed in order to encourage and facilitate the publication, integration, access and use of information on Brazilian biodiversity, supporting research and supporting the process of formulating public policy and decision-making related to conservation and its sustainable use.
The SiBBr is also the Brazilian node Global Biodiversity Information Facility - GBIF, the global network of information on biodiversity systems.
The implementation of SiBBr is based on a collaborative network of institutions and actors that generate, transform and consume information on Brazilian biodiversity.
the problem is that this platform does not include ecological data.

#3 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago

#4 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago

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