Task #4684
Story #3892: Need a content viewing / rendering service
Add proposed MNRead view service to the Architecture Docs
We need to update the Architecture Documents to add the View Service API calls. This has been prototyped in Metacat (see https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/5948), but the API needs to be formalized and reviewed. The summarized service in #3918 is:
GET /views
[MNRead|CNRead].listViews() -> Types.ViewList
Displays a list of usable formats (themes) for rendering science metadata content,
and marks the default format. [Note: While this may be eventually a useful API call,
it is so far not prototyped, see https://projects.ecoinformatics.org/ecoinfo/issues/6029.
The returned ViewList type is undefined at the moment.]
GET /views/{format}/{pid}
[MNRead|CNRead].getView(pid, format) -> Types.OctetStream
Renders the science metadata document using the given named format string.
If the format string is not recognized, renders the science metadata using the default format.
Note that the return type of Types.OctetStream requires that the consuming client has a priori
knowledge of the format being returned (like HTML).
#1 Updated by Chris Jones almost 11 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
Created documentation of MNView service, committed in r13784.
#3 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2014.14-Block.2.3 to CCI-2.0.0