MNDeployment #4224
Japan Long Term Ecological Research Network
(JaLTER)Japan Long Term Ecological Research Network,
POC: Nobu Ohte
Nobu Ohte met Dave at the International Conference on Open Data in Biodiversity and Ecological Research in November 2013. JaLTER is interested in learning more about working with DataONE, and Nobu plans to introduce DataONE to JaLTER people at their steering committee meeting in March.
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers about 11 years ago
More contact info for Nobu:
Department of Forest Science
Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences University of Tokyo
Tokyo, 113-8657, Japan Tel. +81-3-5841-5214 Fax +81-3-5841-5464
#2 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
Last contact from JaLTER 1/11/14 (Nobu). They were (are?) a Metacat installation and Nobu was going to contact one of the technical staff to determine which version of Metacat they were running at that time.
If they are still interested in working with DataONE, and if they are still running Metacat (latest version or capability to upgrade to latest version), their MN implementation would likely be straightforward.