


Task #4183

Story #3736: CN Consistency Check and CN Recovery

Evaluate CN to CN system metadata attribute inconsistencies

Added by Chris Jones over 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Skye Roseboom
Target version:
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% Done:


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Due to network partitioning in the production Hazelcast cluster, there is now inconsistent system metadata content across the CNs. Evaluate the extent of the main system metadata attribute differences. From the etherpad:

Diff criteria - determine differences
1.) systemmetadata table
Any differences in following column values:
* rights holder
* replication allowed
* number replicas
* obsoletes
* obsoletedBy
* archived
* dateSysMetadataModified
RESOLUTION for systemmetadata table
* Highest serial version
* Rights Holder on the highest serial version, followed by mod date (if same serial)
* replication allowed if set, merged to yes.
* number replicas - merge to highest value.
* archived if true anywhere, merge to true
* obsoleted if set anywhere, merge value
* obsoletedBy if set anywhere, merge value
* dateSysMetadataModified - keep latest


#1 Updated by Chris Jones over 11 years ago

System metadata difference analysis:
-- pids
orc has more pids - 823 or so
ucsb and unm are equal but contain 14 pids not present on orc

-- mod date
- 67280 changes between orc and ucsb
- 32068 changes between ucsb and unm
- 69159 changes between orc and unm

-- rights holder
ucsb and unm are equivalent
all changes between orc/ucsb/unm are missing records no value changes (823)

-- replication allowed
ucsb and unm are equivalent
65302 diffs between orc and ucsb/unm.

-- archived
between orc and ucsb
-823 rows on orc not on ucsb
-19 rows that have changes
between ucsb and unm (ucsb superset execpt one record)
-110 rows have changes
all changes on ucsb save 1 -- doi:10.5063/AA/nceas.907.2

-- obsoletes
846 changes between orc and ucsb
0 changes between ucsb and unm

-- obsoleted_by
1437 changes between orc and ucsb
309 differences between ucsb and unm.

-- replication status table
-27476 changes between orc and ucsb
-31658 changes between ucsb and unm
-59132 changes between orc and unm

#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0

#3 Updated by Robert Waltz about 11 years ago

  • Target version set to 2014.2-Block.1.1

#4 Updated by Robert Waltz almost 11 years ago

  • Target version deleted (2014.2-Block.1.1)

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