Task #394
Need a mechanism for people to sign up for the internship@dataone.org and community@dataone.org
We need an automated method for someone to be able to sign up for the internship mailing list (internships@dataone.org) and the community mailing list. We use LDAP synchronization, so the mailman interface isn't available to allow someone to sign up for any of the dataone mailing lists.
Dave has some basic python scripts that could be leveraged.
The suggested implementation is a plone page where someone can sign up for one of the specifically available mailing lists. That request needs to have some form of CAPTCHA to block robots (a simple math problem could be sufficient). The request would then need to go to a small number of people (configurable) to approve the request. Once the request is approved, Dave's python scripts could be leveraged to add the person to LDAP. Note that adding someone to LDAP should not necessarily make the person a member of the DataONE group (which would thereby give them access to the member's area for DataONE). That could be a separate configuration option for the request.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
This is a dupe of #150. Closing and copying notes over there.