Task #3807
Story #1906: Review, revise, and update architecture documentation
Add documentation for Types.QueryEngineDescription
Types.QueryEngineDescription is returned by CNRead.getQueryEngineDescription().
#1 Updated by unset unset over 10 years ago
Any progress on this one? Its part of the tier 1 MN implementation, needs documentation.
heres the v.1.1 XML
xs:documentationDescribes a query engine that can be used to search content on the node.
Query engines may be general purpose or specialized for particular communities or domains./xs:documentation
xs:documentationThe version of the underlying query engine. Used by clients to determine possible
compatibility concerns or features available./xs:documentation
xs:documentationVersion of the schema in use by the query engine, e.g. "1.0.1"/xs:documentation
xs:documentationThe full, human readable name of the query engine. For example:
"Apache SOLR"/xs:documentation
xs:documentationAn optional human readable description of the query engine. This can be
used to describe any special capabilities or intended uses for the query engine. For example,
a query engine may be tuned to suit a particular audience or domain as opposed to providing
a general purpose discovery mechanism./xs:documentation
xs:documentationThis field may also contain links to additional information about the query engine,
such as documentation for the search syntax provided by the query engine implemntors./xs:documentation
xs:documentationA list of query fields supported by the query engine./xs:documentation
#2 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 10 years ago
- Target version set to Maintenance Backlog