


Task #3723

refactor indexer to use libclient_java parser for getting triples

Added by Rob Nahf almost 12 years ago. Updated over 11 years ago.

Chris Brumgard
Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
0.00 h
Product Version:
Story Points:


using the reasoner-based parser will recover implicit reciprocal relationships.

Related issues

Related to Infrastructure - Story #4025: Release CCI 1.2.3 Features Closed 2013-10-02 2013-10-26
Blocked by Infrastructure - Task #3722: build an RDFS reasoner-based parser to get triples Closed 2013-04-19

Associated revisions

Revision f4d51be4
Added by Robert Waltz over 11 years ago

refs #3723

in added qualifiers to autowired fields to force the correct ClassPathResource objects in applicationContext, specified full path to applicationContext to make certain that not any other 'text-context.xml' would be found while navigating the package structure.

in test-context.xml renamed some misnamed filenames

test are still failing but hopefully, the few that remain can be fixed by Chris B.

Revision 12354
Added by Robert Waltz over 11 years ago

refs #3723

in added qualifiers to autowired fields to force the correct ClassPathResource objects in applicationContext, specified full path to applicationContext to make certain that not any other 'text-context.xml' would be found while navigating the package structure.

in test-context.xml renamed some misnamed filenames

test are still failing but hopefully, the few that remain can be fixed by Chris B.

Revision 12354
Added by Robert Waltz over 11 years ago

refs #3723

in added qualifiers to autowired fields to force the correct ClassPathResource objects in applicationContext, specified full path to applicationContext to make certain that not any other 'text-context.xml' would be found while navigating the package structure.

in test-context.xml renamed some misnamed filenames

test are still failing but hopefully, the few that remain can be fixed by Chris B.

Revision 12354
Added by Robert Waltz over 11 years ago

refs #3723

in added qualifiers to autowired fields to force the correct ClassPathResource objects in applicationContext, specified full path to applicationContext to make certain that not any other 'text-context.xml' would be found while navigating the package structure.

in test-context.xml renamed some misnamed filenames

test are still failing but hopefully, the few that remain can be fixed by Chris B.


#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom almost 12 years ago

  • Parent task changed from #3720 to #3760

#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom almost 12 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Skye Roseboom to Chris Brumgard

Chris - this is the indexing task work we have mentioned on standup. let me know when you are ready to get started and I can help orientate you in indexing.

#3 Updated by Chris Brumgard almost 12 years ago

Sure Skye. How would Friday after standup work?

#4 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 11 years ago

  • Parent task changed from #3760 to #3864

#5 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 11 years ago

  • Parent task changed from #3864 to #3866

#6 Updated by Chris Brumgard over 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0

Completed task. Checked into the repo and build completed on Hudson.

#7 Updated by Skye Roseboom over 11 years ago

  • Parent task deleted (#3866)
  • Milestone changed from None to CCI-1.3
  • Estimated time set to 0.00
  • Product Version set to 1.2.3

Not released as part of CCI 1.2.2.

Will need to be released in the next CCI release.

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