MNDeployment #3664
Landcare Research New Zealand
From DataONE website "contact us" - HowtoBecomeMN, EnsureCorrectSetUpFromStart, ConsideringBecomingMN
Entity: Landcare Research New Zealand
Date of inquiry: 11/11/12
Responder: Rebecca Koskela
Date of response: 11/12/2012
Response: John Cobb will be in touch.
#1 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from John Cobb to Laura Moyers
#2 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to High
Last contact was via email 11/2013. Aaron McGlinchy said:
We are in the process of setting up a data repository for our organisation. We have decided to implement CKAN ( and currently have a test installation, and have just established a production installation but as yet no ‘real’ data has been deposited.
Our goals:
- Better organisation and documentation of our data (knowing what we have got…)
- Facilitate discovery of data, both internally and externally
- Open access (with appropriate licensing) to publicly funded research, and possibly to some privately funded research if funders agree
- Enhance collaboration with other researchers
- Ability to publish datasets at issue a persistent identifier (we are trialling EZID issuing of DOIs)
We also have a number of so called ‘Nationally Significant Databases and Collections’*, which in most cases have well established data infrastructure of their own. CKAN is aimed at providing a ‘home’ for the multitude of datasets that don’t sit within one of these collections.
If our systems were compatible with DataONE we would still be interested in investigating becoming a member node.
- e.g.
NEXT STEPS: Follow-up to see if they have proceeded as expected with their repository.