MNDeployment #3633
Bay Delta Member Node
MN lead from Bob Cook at the AGU meeting.
The following note is from a January 21, 2013 e-mail
Hi Mike and John
Have you seen this?
Bay Delta Live:
At AGU, I met one of the staff who run the data system behind this Web site (pulling data from various sources in near real time) and visualizing for resource managers.
They are interested in becoming a DataONE Member Node.
Attached is a talk they sent:
Something worth considering!
#1 Updated by John Cobb about 12 years ago
Bob also provided a copy of a slide deck they presented. It is too large to put in redmine, but Bob and John Cobb (and others) have a copy.
Bob further explained orally that these folks are doing operational monitoring of water issues in California. They are making at the moment decisions on water releases based on rain, etc.
#2 Updated by John Cobb almost 12 years ago
Second contact from 34 North. Amyi Osti plans to attend the DUG in NC.
note relayed from Bob Cook below
Hi Bill,
Through this email, I am introducing you to Amye Osti, one of the principals of 34 North, a company that develops data integration and visualization tool suites to study environmental problems.
BayDeltaLive ( is one of their activities and it provides an interface to a host of environmental data for water, water quality, aquatic organisms, and related information for the San Francisco Bay area and Sacramento River delta.
The attached ppt file describes their approach for using open source software and Web services to discover, access, visualize, and analyze information within the Open Natural Resource Management (OpenNRM) framework.
Amye would like to collaborate with DataONE, using Web services to obtain data from DataONE.
Amye is planning to come to the DataONE User Group Meeting in July to discuss her ideas further.
Best wishes,
#3 Updated by Laura Moyers over 10 years ago
- Assignee changed from John Cobb to Laura Moyers
#4 Updated by Laura Moyers over 9 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
See website:
No contact (that I'm aware of) since initial conversations with Bob Cook.