Task #3037
Story #3036: Administrative expunge of an object and its replicas needs to be enabled
Implement full expunge in Metacat
Although D1NodeService.delete() removes a document, System metadata currently remains. In order to also safely remove system metadata (from hzSystemMetadata, which should also remove it from the Metacat backing store, the implementation will require a series of cascading table deletes based on the identifier, translated to the Metacat docid.
#1 Updated by Ben Leinfelder about 12 years ago
I wrote a SQL procedure to do this manually. It assumes the hz cluster is completely down so that the shared system metadata map will not just repopulate the DB with the values it has in memory.
We could think about including this with a code component in the Java stack so that in addition to removing the object from the DB, it also removes it from the shared SM map.
I don't think we want to work too hard on this since we expect to only perform this is very rare cases.
See: https://code.ecoinformatics.org/code/metacat/trunk/src/delete_all_by_pid.sql
#2 Updated by Ben Leinfelder about 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Doesn't look like we will use this for DAAC, but it's in SVN for the future.