


Task #2796

ONEMercury changes requested

Added by Amber Budden about 12 years ago. Updated about 12 years ago.

Skye Roseboom
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Hi Skye
I am moving the conversation to redmine. Unfortunately, some of the changes that were made need to be modified as UA didn't have full information when they wrote that document. Because we are trying to tie ONEMercury in with the public site, other people needed to be involved in the conversation. Sincere apologies for this - we are working on our communication structure.
Below is the list of items that need attention. If you had already listed them as done, I have explained why further consideration is needed. Some others need additional context from UA.
Note: I am looking at: and the numbers below correspond with the 'heuristic' document sent out by Mike.


1) The missing 'about', 'participate' etc links at the top need to be reinserted. The idea is for the ONEMercury page to look the same as the public website so that users do not know they have moved (see mock-up I will send via email) and for them to be able to get back to sections within the public site. It was misleading that users thought these links were about ONEMercury and not DataONE but that has been resolved with the change of logos. However, Laura and Chris have been asked to change this set of links slightly so you may either need to wait on this or coordinate with them.
2) Thanks for the insertion of the tagline. However, the leadership need to agree on which tagline to use (it may be this one). Please consider this a placeholder until we have a final verdict.
3) Thanks for adding the DataONE logo. May need to think about placement of ONEMercury and tagline to best mirror the public website. Hold on changes to this one.
4) Help section needs work, most likely a collaboration with UA. In the interim, the large pop-up screen shot needs to be revisited / redone following other changes to the page (using DataONE colors).
5) Allow for wildcards in search. I do not know what else this was referring to.
6) The search results page is not 'clean'. I can't get to it right now but as I recall, on the individual record page the label text wraps and is not well aligned with the metadata content. ORNL DAAC was provided as a reference to a more 'clean' look. The item wasn't so much about functionality as aesthetics.
7) Believe you addressed these? Thanks (can't see a results page right now to check).
8) I think this was a comment to themselves?
9) These were primarily comments for the public site that got listed here. General message is to make things look streamlined.
10) Again, comments were on public website.
11) In terms of getting a consistent look the following things need to be done but communication with Laura/Chris regarding style sheets should be ongoing (since they are making a few changes right now).
a) Loose the grey, pixelated top and bottom border around the box
b) Do not have the panel flush with the top of the browser window but spaced as in the public website
c) Choose a color (other than pale blue) consistent with the DataONE color palette for the main area
d) Match the buttons to those on the public website and align them with the adjacent boxes / font
e) Match all fonts as much as possible


ONEMercury_MockUp.jpg (397 KB) Skye Roseboom, 2012-05-29 15:18

ORNL-DAAC_Results.png (289 KB) Skye Roseboom, 2012-05-29 15:33

OneMercury_Results.png (178 KB) Skye Roseboom, 2012-05-29 15:33



Task #2816: DataONE menu on ONEMercury headerClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2817: Tagline for ONEMercuryClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2818: ONEMercury header logos layoutClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2819: Rework help on ONEMercuryClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2820: Create 'clean' search results and detail views for ONEMercuryClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2821: Remove grey header/footer from ONEMercury search UIClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2822: ONEMercury top padding/margin not working like DataONE.orgClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2823: Set a consistent content area background color for ONEMercuryClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2824: Change all ONEMercury buttons to match button style on DataONE.orgClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2825: Match ONEMercury fonts to DataONE.ClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2931: Improve 'email' button functionality and displayClosedSkye Roseboom

Task #2932: Update color scheme on search results.ClosedSkye Roseboom


#1 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago

Regarding issue number 5, my version of the document reads:

"5. HIGH Priority – Remove Content Type in Search"

Content Type is the field in the lower left hand area of the search UI. Not sure how this related to wildcard searches? Do we have different versions of the document? The other issues mentioned above seem to correspond to the issues in my version of the document.

#2 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago


uploading mockup screen shot provided by Amber showing logo and menu placement.

#3 Updated by Amber Budden about 12 years ago

Skye, All
Rebecca, Dave and I talked about the design. Please note some design feature changes below although Rebecca may have discussed these in person.

1) The links are still to be reinserted but Dave is exploring a modification to allow more active space. This will need to be coordinated with Laura/Chris so stay tuned.
11c) We explored white as the background and it did not create enough contrast with the search boxes. We wish to still with a type of green/teal shown in the mock-up but much paler. Somewhere between white and that color. Dave may have a color code for you as he generated a screenshot.


#4 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago


ornl daac, oneMercury search results.

#5 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago

  • Target version set to Sprint-2012.29-Block.4.3

#6 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago

  • Target version changed from Sprint-2012.29-Block.4.3 to Sprint-2012.23-Block.3.4

#7 Updated by Skye Roseboom about 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Closing this story. Was a pre-release UI update story. Remaining outstanding ONEMercury UI issues have been created to track future/current work efforts.

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