


Story #2450

Update resource map generation script for production

Added by Dave Vieglais about 13 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

Target version:
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% Done:


Story Points:


As a DataONE user, I need a tool for creating OAI-ORE packaging documents that bind science metadata and data objects so that these can be added to the DataONE infrastructure. The tool should accept identifiers for one or more data objects and science metadata objects and generate a OAIORE RDF document that represents the relationships between those objects.

A rudimentary script for generating resource maps (OAIORE documents) is available at:

This should be functional but needs to be updated to conform with latest schema revisions and the script is not particularly friendly.

Notes related to OAIORE are available at:


Task #2552: Add "package" command to the CLIClosedAndrew Pippin

Task #2609: Document CLI "package" feature set.ClosedAndrew Pippin


#1 Updated by Matthew Jones about 13 years ago

Note that there is also some support for this in the d1_libclient_java DataPackage class, which is currently incomplete and needs to be updated, but is close. It uses the ResourceMapFactory class to generate ORE documents.

#2 Updated by Andrew Pippin almost 13 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress

#3 Updated by Andrew Pippin almost 13 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 50

A new "package" command has been implemented in the Python CLI. Currently, it only packages objects that already exist in DataONE.

#4 Updated by Andrew Pippin almost 13 years ago

  • Assignee changed from Andrew Pippin to Dave Vieglais


Functionality was added to the Python client Command-Line Interface (CLI) instead of updating this code. Currently, then implementation only supports any number of science data objects with a single science metadata object describing them all. Future versions will allow multiple science metadata objects that can describe arbitrary science data objects in the package.

I'm assigning this back to you for disposition.

#5 Updated by Bruce Wilson over 10 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • Start date deleted (2012-03-30)

These scripts are available and there are multiple resources available for generating resource maps. Bruce has an action item to review the available resource map documentation and tools, particularly in light of the experiences with MPC, the plans to write a resource map tester, and the various MN stacks.

Also available in: Atom PDF

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