Task #2105
Feature #1764: Finalize dataoneTypes schema for public release
Types.ReplicationStatus() - Representing error message
If the target MN fails to perform the replication, I think it would be useful if it could include error information in the ReplicationStatus that it sends with setReplicationStatus(). Such as what came back from the MM that was supposed to be the replication source. Should the MN also have a possible value of "error" to set in that case? If not, it would have to use "invalidated".
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 13 years ago
- Assignee changed from Matthew Jones to Chris Jones
- Target version changed from Sprint-2011.49-Block.6 to Sprint-2011.50-Block.6
Decision: The MN should have a mechanism to report back to the CN that an error occurred. This message should contain human readable message plus machine actionable information.
Perhaps add an optional Exception structure to the Types.ReplicationStatus.
The exception would be representative of the error condition that prevented replication from completing.
Could not transfer object (why? - access denied, network failure, not found, ...)
Not enough space to store object
the receiving MN does not support that type of object
receiving MN is in conflict with object use constraints (a policy problem).
#2 Updated by Chris Jones about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Added ReplicationStatus.FAILED. Details of error messages will be encoded in subclasses of BaseException which will be added to the CN.setReplicationStatus() method.