Task #1787
Task #1782: CN Replication components should be separated for scalability
Create a callable CNReplicationTask class for remote execution
As in org.dataone.cn.service.replication.v1.ReplicationTask class (should be renamed to MNReplicationTask), we need a CNReplicationTask for remote updates to System Metadata and Science Metadata in Metacat. The class must also implement Serializable, and so may only include member variables that are D1 types defined in the schema and other XML-based objects. Some XML instances may include data inline (like EML), but they are in CDATA sections and can't include binary data.
Test whether or not a Hazelcast map can be used for science metadata. The map could be set to a 100% eviction policy so that no entries stay in memory, but would be available via a backing-store class. This may not be needed since distributed tasks are still necessary to updated remote CN Metacat backing stores.
#1 Updated by Chris Jones about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
CNReplicationTask is no longer needed since Metacat listeners update the backend Metacat database on entry added/updated events.