Task #1451
Story #1378: Adding new object formats shouldn't require buildout
Add an object format service to Metacat
Metacat's service framework will be used to provide an ObjectFormatService which extends BaseService. ObjectFormatService needs to implement:
For managing object formats, the service will also provide:
The format registry will initially use an XML document stored in Metacat as the backing store. Formats must have unique identifiers, and a call to updateFormats() needs to ensure that earlier formats aren't nuked accidentally. Potentially, deleteFormat() could be implemented for administrative purposes only.
#1 Updated by Chris Jones almost 14 years ago
- Parent task set to #1378
#2 Updated by Chris Jones almost 14 years ago
The ObjectFormatService was added to the trunk, and then removed temporarily for the D1 0.6.1 authentication changes. The service will be added back into metacat for the 0.6.2 branch, but some of the methods will be moved into d1_common_java (getting the most current list from the CN or from disk as a fallback). This allows d1_libclient_java to also get the list rather than just Metacat.
#3 Updated by Chris Jones almost 14 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
The ObjectFormatService is in place, and will be called from CrudService.