Revision 95d6e910
- Rewritten GMN documentation
- Simplified certificate related documentation.
- Removed confusing back-and-forth references intended for covering stand-alone registration.
- Split docs into two sections. First part creates a stand-alone instance, the second section is optional and registers the instance with DataONE.
- Added a section for testing the stand-alone instance as part of the setup. This "closes the loop" by letting the admin verify that the installation was successful. It also guides the admin through basic interaction with GMN.
- General restructuring and cleanup of formatting.
- More streamlined docs, based on what I have learned through work on the deployment documentation and ticket template.
- Update of install to Python 2.7 and from Ubuntu 10.04 to 14.04.
- Switch to simpler Peer based authentication for Postgres.
- added
- modified
- copied
- renamed
- deleted