



From 2014-12-13 to 2015-01-11


21:38 Story #6738 (Closed): Upgrade solr product to newest version
Current release version is 4.10.3
High level story to capture work needed to move CN stack to new version of solr....
Skye Roseboom
19:15 Feature #6732 (Rejected): Add 'archived' records to search index
Design questions:
Adding archived items to the index:
1.) Are data package relationships (documents, documente...
Skye Roseboom
18:26 Feature #6717: Add SID field to search index schema and populate the field
I would prefer to NOT add the SID field to the current identifier field that contains exclusively PIDs. We need a fi... Matthew Jones
16:40 Feature #6717 (Closed): Add SID field to search index schema and populate the field
New search index field and provide logic to populate the field.
Potentially add SID value to the 'identifier' fiel...
Skye Roseboom
17:19 Feature #6719 (Closed): Update data package relationship processing wrt maintaining SID based rel...
SeriesId use in data packages:
1.) A ORE/data package defines relationships (documents, documentedBy) using serie...
Skye Roseboom
17:05 Feature #6718 (Rejected): Provide head of SID chain resolution capability for search index
1.) Create a solr function to provide HoSC resolution in queries.
2.) Create new search index fi...
Skye Roseboom
16:39 Story #6716 (Closed): Support V2 API changes in search index
High level story to group work needed to support D1 V2 API changes in the search index. Skye Roseboom

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