


Bug #8043

Updated by Matthew Jones over 5 years ago

We just ran into this with the following EML record:

The EML has six creators (Kiesecker, Fargione, Baruch-Mordo, Trainor, Ryan, Patterson) but the origin field in the Solr index has two (Ryan, Patterson). After some digging, we realized this was likely because the indexing component responsible for EML doesn't respect EML references. The XML for the relevant section is:



<creator scope="document">
<creator scope="document">
<creator scope="document">
<creator scope="document">
<creator id="1485385283277" scope="document">
<organizationName>University of Colorado Boulder</organizationName>
<creator id="1484777776976" scope="document">
<organizationName>Duke University</organizationName>
<positionName>Water Policy Associate</positionName>
<address scope="document">
<deliveryPoint>Nicholas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University</deliveryPoint>
` &lt;/pre&gt;

It would be really nice if the origin field got populated with all those referenced creators.


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