


Task #7822

Updated by Robert Waltz about 8 years ago

When the apache directive SSLVerifyClient is set within a <Directory> or <Location> directive, then the ssl module will attempt to renegotiate the connection.

>Apache HTTP Server will request SSL renegotiation any time an SSL
>session is already established but a request is made for a per-location
>context which requires different security -- for example, if you have
>the SSLVerifyClient directive in a Directory or Location block.


During the renegotiation, the apache webserver will buffer any body content submitted with the request.

>If an SSL renegotiation is required in per-location context, for example,
>any use of SSLVerifyClient in a Directory or Location block, then mod_ssl
>must buffer any HTTP request body into memory until the new SSL handshake
>can be performed. This directive can be used to set the amount of memory
>that will be used for this buffer.

The workaround that in many configurations, the turns off client sending the request body will
>be untrusted so a denial of service attack by consumption of memory must be
>considered when changing this configuration setting.


If the size of the request body buffered exceeds the size of the buffer, then an apache error is thrown as noted by Chris J and verified by Robert W.

One solution is
certificate verification for Safari browsers leads to not add SSLVerifyClient directives in a Location or Directory block.

A work around to the problem is to increase the size of SSL renegotiation
buffer using the directive:


On the apache webserver itself, but that may cause problems as noted in the documentation. It is also likely that
overflow on POSTS and PUTS, so it seems we may not wish need to limit enable the maximum size of any content submitted by a user.

Another solution is to use the Expect:
100-Continue header interim response from servers in the request object, such that the request body is sent after the renegotiation has occurred.

>The purpose of the Expect: 100-Continue handshake is to allow the client
>that is sending a request message
conjunction with a request body to determine if
>the origin server is willing to accept
the request (based apache2 configuration on the request
>headers) before the client sends the request body. The use of the Expect:
>100-continue handshake can result in a noticeable performance improvement
>for entity enclosing requests (such as POST and PUT) that require the
>target server's authentication. The Expect: 100-continue handshake should
>be used with caution, as it may cause problems with HTTP servers and
>proxies that do not support HTTP/1.1 protocol.


While doing that, we need to make sure that use of the Expect: 100-Continue header works for:
# http 1.0 servers
# non-compliant HTTP 1.1 servers
# compliant HTTP 1.1 servers

Apache HTTPClient has a default timeout of 3 seconds on waiting for the 100-continue interim response, after which it sends the message body. This should cover communication with HTTP 1.0 servers (who don't send interim statuses). However, This timeout system might breakdown if an HTTP 1.1 compliant server is swamped and just plain slow to respond. That's to ask, under heavy load could the server buffer still overflow?

If a server returns HTTP Error 417 (Expectation failed), the the request should be retried without the header.






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