


Story #7506

Updated by Ben Leinfelder almost 9 years ago

This is to track libraries that will need to be updated and released as 2.0.1 artifacts. Some have changes on trunk to be merged into the branch, others need to have their poms updated to pull the updated libraries and remain consistent on the CN.

Changed directly:
* d1_cn_common
* d1_identity_manager
* d1_portal_servlet
* d1_portal
* d1_cn_noderegistry
* d1_test_resources
* d1_replication

Dependencies in chain to update
* d1_solr_extensions
* d1_cn_index_processor
* d1_cn_index_generator
* d1_cn_service
* d1_cn_rest_proxy
* d1_cn_rest
* d1_solr_extensions
* d1_synchronization
* d1_cn_tools

Required for release - cn-buildout
* dataone-cn-portal
* dataone-cn-rest-service
* dataone-cn-os-core

Other libraries that use d1_cn_common (update to keep all the CN using the same lib versions?)

* dataone-cn-index d1_cn_tools
* dataone-cn-metacat d1_replication
* dataone-cn-processdaemon d1_solr_extensions
* dataone-cn-solr d1_synchronization


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