


Feature #6719

Updated by Skye Roseboom almost 9 years ago

SeriesId use in data packages:

1.) A ORE/data package defines relationships (documents, documentedBy) using seriesId to refer to data and science metadata documents.

Should data package relationships copied to each document in a series or just on the current end of the series?

After an ORE/data package/ which defines relationships using seriesID is indexed, a new version of a science metadata document in the series used in an ORE/data package - the seriesId based relationships need to be placed on the new document in the series. The series based relationships are removed from the previous documents in the series?

Same question/issues for annotations or provanance info? Can annotations be seriesId based, and if so are they placed on each document in the series?

Possible strategies:

Model 'aggregates' relationship on resource map records in search index.
Re-process all resource maps found on previous 'head of sid' chain when adding indexing document with sid value.

Additions to SID chain will modify definition of data package after the ORE/data package document has been processed for index. Need to maintain current state of data packages.


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