


Story #3642

Updated by Robert Waltz over 9 years ago

The goal of this story is to remove cn-stage-unm-2 from it's current hosting environment (located at the University of Kansas).

Background: currently operates on hosting provided by the University of Kansas as a stop-gap measure that was necessary to rapidly deploy an additional stage environment to support demonstrations and testing.

Resource allocation on the host now indicates that the VM needs to be removed from the host.

The node is a mirror of the node, and so could be used to continue operation of the environment while another Cn is built or the current cn-stage-unm-2 is migrated to another host.

The Stage 2 environment is being used for something different from that which it was originally intended. The environment should be deprecated and the machines re-allocated for other purposes.

We need an environment to test ITK tools. If the environment is for external entities, or the public, to test tools against DataONE, the environment should be named to distinguish it from other environments:

cn-exo-1, cn-ext-1, cn-open-1, cn-out-1, cn-itk-1, cn-test-1, or something...


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