


Task #6378

Updated by Rob Nahf almost 10 years ago

The strategy is written up and committed as a private helper routine determinePossibleReplicationTargets, to be plugged into the createAndQueueTasks method.

createAndQueueTasks is an overly-long method (300+ lines) that's in need to further use of helper methods to allow the overall logic to be understandable. Consider doing some of that while plugging in determinePossibleReplicationTargets.

Will need to code up some NodeReplicationPolicies in the test data to properly test the new strategy.

at lesat these scenarios to test:
1. all MNs have null targetNode.NodeReplicationPolicy + null sysmeta ReplicationPolicy
2. all MNs have null targetNode.NodeReplicationPolicy + filled out sysmeta ReplicationPolicy
3. Some filled out targetNode.NodeReplicationPolicy + null sysmeta ReplicationPolicy
4. Some filled out targetNode.NodeReplicationPolicy + filled out sysmeta ReplicationPolicy


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