


Bug #8615

isotc211 indexing component has the wrong XPath for the pubDate field

Added by Bryce Mecum over 6 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

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The latest trunk isotc211 indexing component has the following XPATH for pubDate:

<bean id="isotc.pubDate" class="">
<constructor-arg name="name" value="pubDate"/>
<constructor-arg name="xpath" value="(//gmd:dateStamp/gco:Date/text() | //gmd:dateStamp/gco:DateTime/text())[1]"/>
<property name="converter" ref="dateConverter"/>

This doesn't make any sense and probably wasn't vetted when it went into version control. If you look at an example document, like one from PANGAEA, you see this is how they describe the publication date:

                        <ns2:CharacterString>Simulated ocean velocity at 420 m water depth for pre-industrial, glacial, Pliocene, and Miocene climate states</ns2:CharacterString>
                                <ns0:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="">publication</ns0:CI_DateTypeCode>

I think it'd be good if the XPath pulled out the first date from the identificationInfo/citation, preferring one of dateType publicationDate and falling back to any date that's in the identificationInfo/citation.


#1 Updated by Roger Dahl almost 6 years ago


Publication date in the metadata as 2010, but the pubDate value in Solr is 2018-05-17T00:00:00Z

#2 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

The xpath looks like:
//gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:Date/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:Date[1]/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:DateTime/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:DateTime[1]/text()

#3 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 100
  • Assignee set to Jing Tao
  • Status changed from New to Closed

#4 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

  • % Done changed from 100 to 30
  • Status changed from Closed to In Progress

#5 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

ISO fragment:

            <gco:CharacterString>Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) satellite telemetry data used to determine at-sea distribution in the western-central Aleutian Islands, Alaska 2000-2013</gco:CharacterString>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="" codeListValue="creation">creation</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>
                <gmd:CI_DateTypeCode codeList="  Codelist/gmxCodelists.xml#CI_DateTypeCode" codeListValue="publication">publication</gmd:CI_DateTypeCode>

Our processor will get the first date time 2013-0-01.

#6 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

Our rules look like:

/gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:Date/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:Date[1]/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:DateTime/text()
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:DateTime[1]/text()

If I removed the general one -


We can get the correct result. So the processor doesn't apply the xpath by the order?

#7 Updated by Bryce Mecum almost 6 years ago

Hey Jing, is the XPath in your above comment the one in the source? It looks like it has a bug (first element is missing a seoncd /) and also duplicates the XPaths.

Should it be:

//gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:DateTime/text() 
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:DateTime[1]/text()

#8 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

Hi Bryce:
The missing / is a typo on the comment. The code doesn't miss it. Sorry to confuse you.

The operator | is to compute two node sets:

So we should use:

//gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:Date/text() 

 |//gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:DateTime/text() 

The above two xpath are not duplicated - the last elements are different.

#9 Updated by Bryce Mecum almost 6 years ago

Gotcha, my mistake. The fallback XPath still seems desirable though. What if we just ordered them differently?

//gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:Date/text() 
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date[following-sibling::gmd:dateType/gmd:CI_DateTypeCode/text() = 'publication']/gco:DateTime/text() 
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:Date[1]/text() 
| //gmd:identificationInfo/*/gmd:citation/gmd:CI_Citation/gmd:date/gmd:CI_Date/gmd:date/gco:DateTime[1]/text()

#10 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

To my understand, the operator | is not or. The xpath will get all values of the all existing path. In Roger's case, the xml object has both xpath (fallback one and publication one). So it will get two values. Since the fallback's position in the xml instance is prior to the publication one, the fallback one was selected.
I am not sure how can we keep the fallback path.

#11 Updated by Bryce Mecum almost 6 years ago

You are right, | is not \or.

I was thinking that re-arranging the order would any nodeset returned by the XPath ordered from most desirable to least desirable. After a quick test with an example doc I made up it does seem like the | doesn't return an ordered nodeset which was my hope. Or if it is ordered, it's not ordered in the same order as the XPath.

From the help it looks like the XPath spec defines nodesets as unordered and implementations of the spec may choose to allow clients to enforce an order. Do you know if we can do that here?

#12 Updated by Bryce Mecum almost 6 years ago

Looking at that a bit more, maybe what's really going on is that the nodeset is returned in document order rather than XPath order which matches what I'm seeing after doing some testing.

#13 Updated by Jing Tao almost 6 years ago

Yes, I think they are returned in the document order.

#14 Updated by Jing Tao over 5 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 30 to 100

Now we used Saxon to support xpath 2.0 and fixed the issue.

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