Task #8506
Story #8504: Support creation of data citation record from solr record
Identify ISO metadata terms appropriate for population of data citation elements of the solr search index
The goal of this task is to identify the elements of ISO metadata records appropriate for mapping to solr index fields necessary for generating data citation records.
Existing work should be leveraged where possible.
A mapping of iso 19115 to DataCite is apparently available at: https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=ISO_to_Data_Citation_Mapping (permission required)
#1 Updated by Bryce Mecum over 6 years ago
Can you dump the info on that document in here? I had to request access. Are there any updates on this?
#2 Updated by Bryce Mecum over 6 years ago
The owner of the doc granted me access. The mapping they're making is one I've seen before, though I don't agree with it. I emailed the author to ask if they are open to collaboration and I haven't heard back in the last few weeks.
Can we push this up to a decision sometime soon?