Story #823
Reflect Cn Replica information in the System Metadata for each CN having copy
Science metadata is technically replicated to all CNs, which means that system metadata for science metadata should also be updated with the CN replica information as the document is replicated across CNs. This will likely cause a race condition as each CN updates the replica information in the system metadata as it is retrieved and stored during the CN replication process. This can be avoided by either a) indicating a generic rather than specific CN (e.g. the CN URL might be rather than a specific CN); or b) adding all CNs as replicas as the system metadata is added to the first CN after initial harvest. Option b is simplest, though has a chance of failure as the object may not yet be replicated to other CNs before being accessed.
This will likely depend upon implementation of Messaging Service and/or evaluation of distributed locking mechanism...
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz over 14 years ago
- Milestone set to CCI-0.7
- Tracker changed from Task to Story
- Subject changed from Cn Replica information in the System Metadata to Reflect Cn Replica information in the System Metadata for each CN having copy
- Start date set to 2010-10-07
#2 Updated by Robert Waltz almost 14 years ago
- Position set to 1
- Position changed from 1 to 167
#3 Updated by Robert Waltz over 13 years ago
- Milestone deleted (
#4 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 13 years ago
- Position set to 16
- Position deleted (
#5 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 13 years ago
- Target version set to Sprint-2012.01-Block.1.1
- Position deleted (
100) - Position set to 1
#6 Updated by Robert Waltz about 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Milestone set to CCI-1.0.0
Decided that we will use option a) for now