Feature #8194
Avoid unnecessary index tasks generated by restarting tomcat
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On the CNs, when we start tomcat, the hazel cast system metadata map will loading records from the db to the memory. This process will generated an add event for loading an record. However, our index task is listening to the system metadata map events, so the generator generates index tasks base on those events even though there are not changes in the system metadata. Restarting tomcat can generate a hug number of index tasks and make the index processor crunch.
#1 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Added a filter to compare the the dateModified field in the system metadata and the existing solr index. If they are match, we will compare the replca as well. If they are same, the event will be filtered out.