


Bug #8122

Metacat is double-decoding incoming urls on the CNs

Added by Rob Nahf over 7 years ago. Updated over 7 years ago.

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v1 and v2 CN and MN ResourceHandler.handle method is decoding the request pathInfo for most request types, leading to potentially mangled identifiers. Since apache decodes the percent-escaping, metacat should not decode again (double-decoding isn't safe).

If there are certain calls where decoding is needed, note that the URLEncoder D1ResourceHandler is using decodes '+' to space characters, which will mangle identifiers containing spaces. Use the safer org.dataone.service.util.EncodingUtilities.decodeString(...) from d1_common_java which was designed to get around this problem.

A good test is to call getSystemMetadata on this tricky identifier from a browser:

If the returned NotFound error has a space in the identifier instead of a '+' - it's still broken.

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#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 7 years ago

  • Blocks Task #8121: Fix MIME type and formatId for KML files added

#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 7 years ago

Interesting. So, maybe Metacat assumes it is handling the decoding. Is the CN rest servlet decoding it, then making another http call to Metacat with an already decoded URI?

#4 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

I guess so.

#5 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

Using the method decodeString in the org.dataone.service.util.EncodingUtilities class seems working. Need more test.
The difference is this method replaces the "+" by "%2B" at the original string.

#6 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 30
  • Status changed from New to In Progress

I used the org.dataone.service.util.EncodingUtilities to decode the url and it works:

Changes was made to trunk (2.9.0) and 2.8 branch.

#7 Updated by Matthew Jones over 7 years ago

And Jing, did you verify that the old Metacat API also still works correctly? Do all metacat and DataONE tests pass?

#8 Updated by Rob Nahf over 7 years ago

cn_rest is no longer involved in proxying to metacat, it is done directly from apache2, via metacat_proxy.conf (found in dataone-cn-metacat).

Apparently, apache is allowed to decode paths before parsing rewrite rules, so that's probably where the decoding is happening. (

Note that the serverfault poster recommends what we were doing before - having a front-controller that handles all decoding. oh well...

Here's a thorough mod_rewrite summary, again, on serverfault.

#9 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

Matt: I haven't done thorough tests yet. The basic test works. But this only involves with DataONE API and doesn't relate to the old Metacat API.

#10 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

I read online and found:
Normally, mod_proxy will canonicalise ProxyPassed URLs. But this may be incompatible with some backends, particularly those that make use of PATH_INFO. The optional nocanon keyword suppresses this and passes the URL path "raw" to the backend. Note that this keyword may affect the security of your backend, as it removes the normal limited protection against URL-based attacks provided by the proxy
on this link:

So in the metacat_proxy file which locate on dataone-cn-metacat, if I change the code to (adding the key word "nocanon")
ProxyPassMatch "/(cn/v[12]/(?:meta|formats|object|views)/?)$" "ajp://localhost:8009/metacat/d1/$1" nocanon
ProxyPassMatch "/(cn/v[12]/(?:checksum|formats|isAuthorized|meta|object|replicaAuthorizations|views)/.+)$" "ajp://localhost:8009/metacat/d1/$1" nocanon

The cn proxy will not decode the uri. Here is the url and catalina.out (with the key word "nocanon"):
In D1URLFilter.
original pathInfo: /meta/myidentifier+nospaces1
original requestURI: /metacat/d1/cn/v2/meta/myidentifier%2Bnospaces1
stripping /metacat/d1/cn/v2 from requestURI
new pathinfo: /meta/myidentifier%2Bnospaces1
After decoded: myidentifier+nospaces1

Without the key word:
In D1URLFilter.
original pathInfo: /meta/myidentifier+nospaces1
original requestURI: /metacat/d1/cn/v2/meta/myidentifier+nospaces1
stripping /metacat/d1/cn/v2 from requestURI
new pathinfo: /meta/myidentifier+nospaces1
After decoded: myidentifier+nospaces1

So we can see with the key word, the proxy doesn't decode the "%2B" to "+" in the original request URI.

#11 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • Assignee set to Jing Tao
  • Target version set to CCI-2.3.5

#12 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • Category changed from Metacat to dataone-cn-metacat

#13 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed
  • % Done changed from 30 to 100

#14 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 100 to 30
  • Target version changed from CCI-2.3.5 to CCI-2.4.0
  • Status changed from Closed to In Progress

Push back to Metacat 2.9.0. The solution to use the EncodingUtilities messed up the solr query.

#15 Updated by Jing Tao over 7 years ago

  • % Done changed from 30 to 100
  • Target version changed from CCI-2.4.0 to CCI-2.3.5
  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

My mistake. I read the comments and found the change is on dataone-cn-metacat rather Metacat itself. So it still works.

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