Task #7958
CN sometimes sends invalid submitSynchronizationFailed document to MN
When the CN attempted to send the following message:
/daemon/cn-process-daemon.log.23:[ WARN] 2016-12-28 22:00:02,610 (SyncFailedTask:submitSynchronizationFailed:116) Task-urn:node:mnTestTDAR-doi:10.6067:XCV843018_format=d1rem1482959647611 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
./daemon/cn-process-daemon.log.23- Synchronization task of [PID::] doi:10.6067:XCV843018_format=d1rem1482959647611 [::PID] failed. Cause: InvalidRequest: Illegal changes attempted to the fields: dateUploaded
What was received was:
2016-12-28 15:00:02,639 DEBUG o.t.d.s.SynchronizationFailedResponse [t:http-nio- p: u:] >>> /dataone/v2/error?null
2016-12-28 15:00:02,642 DEBUG o.t.d.s.SynchronizationFailedResponse [t:http-nio- p: u:] null: null
Confirmed in tDAR and GMN logs.
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago
- Assignee changed from Jing Tao to Rob Nahf
I suspect serialization issues, and will investigate.
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
serialization doesn't seem to be an issue.
There are 5 other TDAR pids that failed around that time. were all of those problematic, too?
On the CN side it could be a problem assembling the multipart message (file write into /tmp), or something with the libclient method?