Task #7942
Dataone-cn-index installation wipe the d1-index-queue database
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We shouldn't do this since the database contains index-tasks information.
#1 Updated by Jing Tao about 8 years ago
Comment out the lines to drop the db and users. The script will create the db and user when it doesn't exist. If we change the table schema in the future, we need add script to modify the table.
#2 Updated by Jing Tao about 8 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Somehow the "apt-get update" will still run the previous version of the prerm file. So we need to back them next time. After the next time upgrade, everything will be fine.
#3 Updated by Jing Tao about 8 years ago
- Category set to d1_indexer