Bug #7664
manage.py register_node_with_dataone generates "nodeReplicationPolicy" XML fragment in node capabilities even when replication is false
The GMN service management function "manage.py register_node_with_dataone" generates the optional "nodeReplicationPolicy" XML fragment in the node registration XML document even when replication is false. Although this action is not an error in itself, it exposed a bug in the CN node registration update service (org.dataone.cn.ldap.NodeAccess), which requires a maxObjectSize field (an optional subelement of nodeReplicationPolicy). Because the "nodeReplicationPolicy" subelement is optional in the node registration XML document, it would be best to leave completely out of the XML document if the GMN MN is not a replication target (i.e., < Tier 4).
#1 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Flynn to Roger Dahl
Simple fix in https://repository.dataone.org/software/cicore/branches/d1_mn_generic_v1_2_10_servilla/src/service/mn/node.py
- node.nodeReplicationPolicy = self._create_replication_policy()
- if node.replicate:
- node.nodeReplicationPolicy = self._create_replication_policy() return node