Bug #7351
MN.getLogRecords is not filtering on the event type correctly
MN.getLogRecords is called with the event filter set to the "create" event type only but is returning some logs that are not create logs (including one or more synchronization_failed logs).
Example query: https://mn-demo-8.test.dataone.org/knb/d1/mn/v2/log?toDate=2015-09-15T14:55:38.282%2B00:00&event=create
#1 Updated by Jing Tao over 9 years ago
- Target version set to CCI-2.0.0
#2 Updated by Jing Tao over 9 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 30
I used this command get the a total 2032 results:
curl --trace curl.out --cert /etc/dataone/client/private/cnDevUCSB1.pem "https://mn-demo-8.test.dataone.org/knb/d1/mn/v2/log?toDate=2015-09-18T14:55:38.282%2B00:00&event=create&count=3000" > result3
The following commands prove that all of them are "create".
root@cn-dev-ucsb-1:~# xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(//event[text()!='create'])" result3
root@cn-dev-ucsb-1:~# xmlstarlet sel -t -v "count(//event[text() = 'create'])" result3
So I can reproduce your bug.
Andrei. Can you try again?
#3 Updated by Jing Tao over 9 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Rejected
It is a bug on the test code and Andrei fixed it.