Task #732
Improve performance of Trac
Start date:
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Story Points:
The Trac site is slow enough to cause major frustration when many users interact at once - e.g. a sprint build out. This is impeding the development process so needs to be sorted out.
- Use Mylyn in Eclipse (RPC rather than web interface). Performance is much better and there's the added advantage of context guided development.
- Keep tweaking Trac until performance improves
a) Update to latest version
b) Minimize Agilo functionality
c) REmove Agilo functionality
- Switch to another system - big disadvantage is lack of RST processors in other systems.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Done for now. There's going to be a few more tweaks to the UI and perhaps the workflow, but the site is about as responsive as it can be.
Summary of things changed:
- Rolled back to Plain Old Trac
- Upgraded to Trac 0.12
- Edited config etc to decouple agilo
- Using SSL only for credential passing, everything else is over HTTP
- Enabled client side caching with mod_expire
- Enabled DEFLATE on all static content
Things to do:
- Examine workflow for tickets to see if there's a more appropriate pattern
- Add a custom field, selecting "backlog" or "current"