Bug #7291
pypi distribution does not have all files
The GMN version created for the bug fix for problem with process replication queue was deployed to pypi. However, only a few of the were included in the pypi distribution. 1.2.2 is the last version that Roger deployed, 1.2.5.x is the bug fix version.
name: dataone.generic_member_node-1.2.2.tar.gz (md5) Source date:2014-11-01 size:6MB
name: dataone.generic_member_node- (md5) Source date:2015-07-24 size:2KB
Strangely, the v2 distribution worked without any problems. It contains all of the files that it's supposed to have.
I tried modifying setup.py:
if 'install' in sys.argv:
packages = setuptools.find_packages()
packages = None
I removed the if statement so that it always calls setuptools.find_packages(). This allowed more files to be included, but still not all of them, such as the templates, static and js folders.
#1 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 9 years ago
- Assignee changed from Mark Flynn to Roger Dahl
#2 Updated by Mark Servilla almost 9 years ago
- Priority changed from High to Normal