Task #695
Select useful data for R client
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Identify data sets that may be useful for demonstrating the functionality and ensure they are available on the prototype member nodes
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 14 years ago
The following data sets are on the KNB-MN node and would be useful for analysis and demos:
connolly.301.2 Zooplankton density data for five lakes in Wisconsin, USA, 1984-1995
kgordon.17.27 Zooplankton survey of Oneida Lake, New York, 1975 - 2006
pisco_subtidal.60.6 PISCO: OSU: Subtidal: Community Surveys: Fish Survey
pisco_subtidal.80.5 PISCO: OSU: Subtidal: Community Surveys: UPC Surveys
Others could obviously be found as well, but these are a sufficient start for demos.