Story #687
Ensure Mercury parsing and indexing works for prototype metadata
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As a CN developer, I need to ensure that the Mercury index is able to process all of the science metadata formats of interest to DataONE.
#1 Updated by Redmine Admin over 14 years ago
Updated status, related task in progress
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf over 14 years ago
The Mercury development team (Jim, Giri) took on the task of adapting Mercury's behavior for DataONE, and also for updating the solr schema.xml file and xpath mappings. I (Rob) created tests for assessing the level of agreement between the two, and plugged them into Hudson. As of close of the 0.4 prototype, the terminology was not completely harmonized, nor validated against dataONE requirements.
#3 Updated by Dave Vieglais over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Milestone set to CCI-0.6.4