Story #6839
Test certs need updating to match subject format
The subject strings in the certificates for the MN and CN integration tests don't match up with the format expected by account registration code.
Having said that, none of the integration tests are meant to succeed at creating an account, so it's debatable whether the certificate update is necessary.
In CNIdentityLDAPImpl.registerAccount(), the constructTree(dn) call yields this exception:
ServiceFailure: Could not counstruct partial tree: 'c' has no values.
The expected subject format is:
"CN=Benjamin Leinfelder A515,O=University of Chicago,C=US,DC=cilogon,DC=org"
The current format is:
How to reproduce:
There isn't a great way to reproduce this problem since the integration tests are doing negative tests; we don't want to create a bunch of test accounts on our CNs.
Running through MultipartCNode.registerAccount() with an invalid certificate subject should do it.
The closest integration test is in CNIdentityV1IT.
Maybe CNIdentityTestImplementations.testRegisterAccount_InvalidPerson(Node,String) could be modified or copied to test the certificate subject.
#1 Updated by Andrei Buium about 10 years ago
- Assignee set to Rob Nahf
Changed assignee to Rob.
Rob, none of the tests are currently failing because of this, so I'm not sure if this task can be rejected/closed, or if it's just low priority.
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 10 years ago
- Tracker changed from Task to Story
- Status changed from New to Rejected
yeah, let's reject since we didn't do any work on it.
We can always reopen if need be.