Task #6754
Architecture API loose ends
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While comparing v1 to v2 APIs, the following questions came up:
- the ping() methods are listed in the table as returning null, but in actuality, we return a Date.
- Are we keeping CN.search in the V2 APIs? I thought this one was deprecated.
- the systemMetadataChanged method moved from v1.MNAuth to v2.MNRead. Was that intentional? Is it necessary?
- synchronizationFailed returns Type.Boolean in the table, instead of a simple boolean that all other methods return. Implementations use simple boolean.
#1 Updated by Dave Vieglais about 10 years ago
Need to update the description of systemMetadataChanged in the MN APIs
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf about 10 years ago
* item 2: CN.search - it was decided in standup to deprecate the method, and not include in v2 CN API
* item 3: MN.systemMetadataChanged - it was in v1.MNAuth to allow MNs to receive updated AccessPolicies; in v2, it seems like we only need it to propagate Replica information, so it could move to MN.Replicate API or MN.Storage (or stay in MN.Auth). will move to MN.Replicate