Story #663
Utilize a simple objectFormat registry to determine which configuration to feed the Mercury indexer
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Story Points:
- Task: Define how to handle science metadata formats that are not handled by Mercury.
- Keep in metacat, but it won't be indexed
- Need to define log messages to report on what's not being processed by the indexer
Task: create an enumeration for mercury index formats that are supported by Mercury. This will be part of the packager functionality.
how portable are the mercury indexer config files?
Task: List the types of metadata that are being used in the prototype
Task: List the metadata types that are supported by the indexer
Task: Create configurations for indexer to parse all metadata types in the prototype
- Jim: Working on the KNB parsing
- About 3 versions of EML that are being used in KNB
- Version in doctype of EML - not directly queryable but can specify the version to retrieve through metacat api
- Robert: working with Dryad sci meta
- Jim: Working on the KNB parsing
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed