Task #635
Select the monitoring framework and design the deployment of the selected framework
Select the monitoring framework and design the deployment of the selected framework, including gathering the necessary information for configuration.
Nagios seems like an excellent candidate for this, along with Cacti and Munin. Relevant email message from Nick:
I'm using a combination of Nagios, Munin, and Cacti to do monitoring and stats collecting. My Nagios setup is doing service and status checks and sending out alerts, while Cacti and Munin are doing graphing and stats.
I'm using Munin because it's dead simple to get running on a machine and has a good number of default plugins, while Cacti does the more advanced data collection. I have Cacti collecting data from several hundred switch ports through SNMP, and running some custom Bash and Python scripts to get data from some hardware without any good plugins or SNMP access.
While I don't have any experience collecting data with Nagios, I definitely recommend running Cacti along with it. Cacti is extremely customizable, and it's pretty easy to have a certain set of graphs display for certain users. It also has the ability to zoom in on graphs, and download data in csv format.
Here are some examples (the public username:password is visitor:NITscoc):
Cacti, with a limited set of graphs:
Munin, with stats for the UCSB dataone server:
Nagios alerts go out by email and IRC (check out #sysnotify our IRC server). I have the admin web interface running, but it's not currently set up for anyone except admin users.
I have all three installed from the Ubuntu-supported repositories on Ubuntu 8.04, so they're two years old at this point. The new versions probably look nicer.
#1 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 15 years ago
First pass analysis two main options for Nagios, Nagios Core OSS & Nagios XI. XI is an enterprise bundle: pros - integrated visualizations, packaged as a VM, configuration wizards; cons: cost is $1300 for first year, perpetual license though). Sustainability points us towards the Core OSS (free open-source option). NagVis offers more monitoring graphs, also open-source(www.nagvis.org)
#2 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 15 years ago
As with metrics, specifications will be in the file monitoringSpecifications.txt (documents > Projects > cicore > development) in the repository. Nagios seems to be for real-time monitoring, Cacti for long-term reporting, and Munin to fill in gaps.
#3 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 15 years ago
Documenting which metrics go with which system (Nagios, Munin, Cacti) will be easier after packages installed, so keeping 1 hour on time remaining until after installation work done.
#4 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from Closed to 4
#5 Updated by Rob Nahf almost 15 years ago
accidentally closed the ticket...
#6 Updated by Rob Nahf over 14 years ago
committed finished documentation to the repository under documents/Projects/cicore/operations/monitoring/. Includes specifications, analysis, install and config, as well as some config files.