Story #609
Design and implement the scheduler for synchronization service component
(story, 3pt) Design and implement the scheduling component (the scheduler) that add messages to a queue for later processing
- based on quartz
- configuration options (scheduling etc)
- on a timed bases add a message to JMS queue that a listener will use to poll listObjects() (see Story of polling listObject())
Design and implement the retrieve content synchronization service component that will retrieve content from MN and store in Metacata
As a developer, I need to implement the CN synchronization service in order to keep metadata objects from Member Nodes synchronized
-- involves building the scheduler for the CN service
-- involves tracking when each MN was last synched to know which objects to ask for
-- involves calling MN.listObjects as needed
-- involves calling MN.get() and MN.getSystemMetadata() as needed
-- involves calling Metacat.create() and Metacat.update() to store the objects in the CN
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz over 14 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed