Task #5999
Story #5523: Run Tidy after Split Brain
Analyze results of tidy process run
Determine if entries in the change_record table for runid 2 of tidy only show inconsistencies from most recent partition.
(hint-- they don't)
#1 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Urgent
- Status changed from New to In Progress
#2 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago
#confirm all change_records have results
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record
where resulting is not null and
runid = 2\""
count ¶
(1 row)
#confirm number of change_records
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record \
where runid = 2 \""
count ¶
#find records where UCSB can be considered definitive
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record cr1, change_record cr2 \
where cr1.id = cr2.id and \
coalesce(cr1.cnucsb,'nvl') like cr2.resulting and \
cr1.runid = 2 \""
count ¶
#find count of records on ORC that should be replaced by UCSB records
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record cr1, change_record cr2 \
where cr1.id = cr2.id and \
coalesce(cr1.cnucsb,'nvl') like cr2.resulting and \
coalesce(cr1.cnorc, 'nvl') not like cr2.resulting and \
cr1.runid = 2 \""
count ¶
(1 row)
#find count of records on UNM that should be replaced by UCSB records
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record cr1, change_record cr2 \
where cr1.id = cr2.id and \
coalesce(cr1.cnucsb,'nvl') like cr2.resulting and \
coalesce(cr1.cnunm, 'nvl') not like cr2.resulting and \
cr1.runid = 2 \""
count ¶
(1 row)
IGNORE these records¶
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record \
where coalesce(cnucsb, 'nvl') = 'null' and
coalesce(cnorc, 'nvl') = 'null' and
coalesce(cnunm,'nvl') = 'null' and
resulting = '0' and
runid = 2 \""
count ¶
#EITHER unm or orc can be considered definitive to replace UCSB records
su postgres -c "psql -d d1-tidy -c \"select count(*) \
from change_record cr1, change_record cr2 \
where cr1.id = cr2.id and \
coalesce(cr1.cnorc, 'nvl') <> 'null' and \
coalesce(cr1.cnunm, 'nvl') <> 'null' and \
coalesce(cr1.cnorc, 'nvl') like cr2.resulting and \
coalesce(cr1.cnunm, 'nvl') like cr2.resulting and \
coalesce(cr1.cnucsb, 'nvl') not like cr2.resulting and \
cr1.runid = 2 \""
count ¶
#3 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago
- Target version changed from 2014.26-Block.4.1 to 2014.30-Block.4.3
#4 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago
- translation missing: en.field_remaining_hours set to 0.0
- Status changed from In Progress to Closed
#5 Updated by Robert Waltz over 10 years ago
- Estimated time set to 0.00
- Product Version changed from 1.3.0 to *