Story #595
Design and implement the retrieve/store content synchronization service component
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Story Points:
Design and implement the component that will retrieve content from MN and store in Metacat
- use client from the java itk library (
- retrieve systemMetadata from MN based on ID read from messaging queue
- parse systemMetadata to discover scimeta or data
- if scimeta then store sysmeta and scimeta in metacat
- otherwise only store sysmeta
As a developer, I need to implement the CN synchronization service in order to keep metadata objects from Member Nodes synchronized
-- involves building the scheduler for the CN service
-- involves tracking when each MN was last synched to know which objects to ask for
-- involves calling MN.listObjects as needed
-- involves calling MN.get() and MN.getSystemMetadata() as needed
-- involves calling Metacat.create() and Metacat.update() to store the objects in the CN