Story #461
Document GMN requirements
Start date:
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Document the installation requirements and process for the python member node software
As the python MN stack developer I need to create a distribution of the software that can be installed easily on member node hardware.
- Document requirements for the MN hardware (or virtual hardware): RAM, disk space, processor, ...
- Document the system components that need to be installed (version, install process)
- Document the python module dependencies
- Document the configuration of the system components (apache config, where to install MN stack, ...)
- Document the steps necessary to install the MN software stack on a "clean" Linux machine
- Test the installation on a blank machine
Independently verify installation
Linux server (target Ubuntu 9.10+)
- apache
- python 2.6
- mod fast cgi
- django (web framework)
- member node stack
#1 Updated by Roger Dahl almost 15 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed