Task #42
create DataOne mailing lists
Create the new mailing lists for DataONE as described by the MAT emails on the subject. These include:
1) mat@dataone.org (currently exists): This is a restricted access list, open to those on the MAT and selected others as needed. All people on the list can post to the list; posts by those outside the list are rejected. A possibly new feature is that the traffic on this list would be archived, with the archive accessible to those on the mailing list.
2) community@dataone.org (new list): This would be an open list, in that anyone could sign-up to receive e-mail. Traffic would be relatively low (1-2x month) with information going out to the general community interested in DataONE. Mail messages would generally direct people to the DataONE web site. Ideally, all traffic on this list would be available on a general interest RSS feed (though 1-2x/month is low traffic for an RSS feed). All traffic would be archived in a publicly readable location. Posting would be restricted to a few people in the DataONE office.
3) team@dataone.org (replaces datanet@dataone.org): This would be for the general DataONE team and includes all DataONE staff, investigators, and WG leads. WG members and others actively engaged in the project could be added if interested. The purpose of the list is for communication of DataONE internal activities, news, documents, and other information not of broad public interest. Membership would be moderated, in that the existence of the list can be public and anyone can request access, but only those with legitimate project involvement would be given access. Posting is also moderated, with a few people given unmoderated posting rights. All traffic would be archived, with access restricted to mailing list members.
4) office@dataone.org (new mail alias): This would expand out to a few people in the DataONE office and be a means of communication for things like requests for information, approval of press releases, and other things requiring action by one or more people in the DataONE office. At least some of the requests that currently go to Bill would go to this e-mail address for triage and delegation. Traffic would not need to be archived (although some mechanism for call/request tracking might be needed), and posting would (at least initially) be open (with a spam guard).
5) eac@dataone.org (new list, not needed just yet): External Advisory Committee list, for EAC traffic. Would include the EAC members and key staff in the DataONE office (EG, AD’s). Most traffic could be cc’d to MAT, but we would not necessarily include MAT in the EAC list. Posting would be open to any member of the list, and all traffic would be archived, with access restricted to list members.
6) ccit@dataone.org (new list, relates to vdc-twg@ecoinfomatics.org, but somewhat different list of people): Mailing list for members of the Core CI team. Access is restricted. Posting open to anyone on the list, archive accessible only to those on the list.
7) (working group)@dataone.org (new list): We definitely want to at least offer a mailing list for each working group and encourage working groups to use this instead of something like Google Groups, primarily so that we can ensure that traffic is archived, which will help people who come on-stream partway through be able to access (search) group history.
8) developers@dataone.org (new list, relates to vdc-dev@ecoinformatics.org): This wasn’t discussed directly in our meeting, but something I’ve added. This would be open (in that anyone could sign-up, and targeted at people who are contributing to the cyberinfrastructure development for DataONE, including the staff programmers, programming post-docs and students, and others who are contributing to the design, coding, and documentation. Posting by members would be unmoderated; posting by outsiders would be moderated. Traffic would be archived and publicly readable.
Addendum 10/12/09: Need to also deal with systems emails:
9) repository@dataone.org: all svn commit emails
10) tickets@dataone.org: all trac ticket emails
11) Also need to rename 'mat' list to 'leadership'
12) eot@dataone.org -- Create mailing list for outreach group
Addendum 12/16/09:
13) wg-eva@dataone.org -- Also create EVA WG list
#1 Updated by Matthew Jones over 15 years ago
Also need to update the list description on the web:
#2 Updated by Matthew Jones over 15 years ago
repository and tickets lists created. Need to add initial subscribers, and configure svn and trac.
#3 Updated by Matthew Jones over 15 years ago
Configured SVN and Trac to use the new mailing lists.
#4 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
The following lists were created or updated:
ccit, community, developers, eac, leaders, office, repository, support, team, tickets, wgleads
Python scripts were created and installed to synchronize these lists with the membership of corresponding LDAP groups. So, all membership of these lists is controlled through LDAP.
The following lists still exist but are now obsolete:
dataone, mat
These need to be changed to forward all incoming mail to team and leaders, respectively.
The only items remaining on this ticket are:
7) Individual WG lists
12) List for the outreach group
Once we establish names for these lists they can be easily created.
#5 Updated by Matthew Jones about 15 years ago
Finished (12) by creating eot@dataone.org, and initially populating it. List membership can evolve as the participant list is refined.
Finished (7) by creating wg-eva@dataone.org mailing list. Populated with EVA members.
Other WG lists are not yet finalized, so closing this task as completed -- file any additional mailing list requests as new tasks for each specific list and I will create it.